
Things I hope I don't forget on parenting ✨

by - 12:22:00 PM

If you are a new parent or you have been a long time parent, I think you should hear this. 

When your kids are already grown up, more like on their teenage years, and you think you are showing your love by saying “You shouldn’t wear that kind of clothes, it doesn’t suit your body size.” or “Don’t wear too much makeup.”

A lot of closed-minded and judgemental people already told them this so it really hurts when they hear it from their own family. 

Yes, you are concerned and your reason is that you are looking out for them but your kid/s only want to express themselves by wearing or doing something like makeups, piercings, etc. 
Your overlooking might cause them to be insecure when they only want to feel confident. 

Mental health is IMPORTANT as physical health, just like you have to watch your child closely to make sure they don't have any flu symptoms you should make sure that they don't have any mental problem.

Please don’t pull the pity card with “I carried you for 9 months, I have lots of sleepless nights, I cleaned up your poop, I gave you everything, etc” when you’re mad. You can’t always act like the victim. Their personal life can be so crucial with all the issues they’re dealing alone so they only need understanding and not judgment. 

Kids can be so grumpy especially teenagers. They’re not born that way and all those mixed up feelings have a reason for that. 

You may have helped them grow up, but it DOESN’T means they should do whatever you want even if it doesn’t make them happy. 

Privacy— if your kids don’t want you to look through their things, then don’t. By doing so, you are teaching them respect by showing it to them. When they realized that, they will open up to you and be honest. Respect is a two-way street. Not just parents need to be respected but kid/s too. ❤️

The fact that we are the parents doesn’t mean we are always right. 

I know we love our children and we only want what’s best for them. But we are not always there to tell them what to do so let them make their own mistakes. It is part of the learning process. Our role is to guide, understand and comfort them. Not blame them for anything that went wrong.

A child should never fear their parent.

I could go on and on but I think my major advice is to make them feel that they matter and you respect them too. What they feel, what they want, all their opinions, dreams, IT ALL MATTERS. 💕


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