What I learned from being a single parent
5 years.. It has been 5 freakin' years since I became a mom. A single parent.
Here are some of my learnings.. SO FAR. I hope to those who are single parents- by choice or by circumstances, can learn something from my experience and bring you hope and confidence to face it!
1. My son's biological father left us when he was born. To be honest, I never felt he is concerned with me and his own son. To the point that I realized that he just pretend to care because he's scared that I might show up one day on his house and create drama. Which I did not do and will never do. He even made promises to make it more believable!
What I learned? It made me realize to give value to myself. If we start feeling those signs that he is faking it and it's pretty obvious, talk to him. Don't assume. Being pregnant can make us (girls) so emotional so it's better to know the truth than to assume. And if he admits to be a "great pretender", END your relationship, not HIS and your BABY'S relationship. FOR ME, it's better to raise your kids alone than being with someone who's not genuinely willing. I also learned to forgive someone who did not ask for forgiveness. It took me years to do that. But it feels so good.
I lived peacefully and genuinely happy after the burden was magically gone.
2. Truth to be told, as they say, being a young mom at the same time to fill someone's shoes, the responsibility of your "supposed to be better half" can be physically, financially, emotionally and socially exhausting yet a fulfilling journey.
What I learned? Being a young, single mom is a choice I never regret. I had those sleepless nights, weight loss and numerous diaper changing but waking up to your mini version wipes away all those sacrifices we made. I hustle harder to provide only the best to my baby. A lot of us feel like we're working 24 hours a day, that we overdo and overuse ourselves. My tip? Take a break, don't put a lot on your plate. As long as your baby is happy and healthy, you're doing great. Lastly, don't hesitate to ASK FOR HELP. Especially from your family. Thanks to my Papa, Mama and Kuya! 
3. Through the past years, I tried dating three guys, not at the same time (of course) and I even had a boyfriend. Sadly they're all fail relationships. Mainly because I suck at prioritizing things. 
What I learned? Know how to prioritize your kid, yourself including your love life and your career. It may sound difficult but you need to. It must be clear to your boyfriend or suitor the situation you have and allot time that he deserves. DON'T ENTERTAIN IF YOU CAN'T MAKE TIME FOR HIM. Don't entertain if you're not ready. Most importantly, don't be afraid to love again.
️ Right now, I'm still praying to God for someone who'll understand my situation and loves my son equally as he loves me.
4. During my early years of being a mom, I missed a lot of lakads with my friends. I remember before, I am so excited that I can finally have time for them but the night before that, my baby decided to sleep late so the ending.. I couldn't come because I'm too sleepy and tired.
What I learned? Again, priorities.
Make time for yourself too. Not just with "me-times" but also in your goals, whether short-term or long-term. Slowly but surely, you can master it.
5. I always hear people call young parents especially those who are single "sayang" . I always cry at night before when I hear people gossip about me and the identity of my baby's father. I fear that word because I think I am a disappointment to my family because I get pregnant early and that the father of my baby is always MIA (missing in action). I envy those happy couples and their kids hold hands at the mall. I remember my Papa told me that he ask his cousin which is a priest "Why? Why did it happened to my daughter?". Then the priest told him "Why not?"
What I learned? Things happen for a reason. Instead of questioning God why did it happened, thank the Lord for the opportunity of bringing a life here on earth and you'll soon discover why it happened. Trust me. Embrace change and look forward to a new life. My parents are getting older, my dad is approaching his senior years so my baby, which is a first apo (grandchild) brought PURE JOY to our family. Usually our home is quiet but now it's full of laughter and giggles. One important thing I learned, live your life the way you want. Don't mind the haters. Whatever we do, good or bad, people will always have something to say. Stop blaming yourself and re-build your life. :)
Stop allowing other people to tell you what to do and change the way you live with their opinions. Always live a life without the need of approval and validation of the others.
The thought of being a single parent really scared the hell out of me! Today, it safe to say I learned a lot and had improved myself. Whoever is reading this, it takes time but I believe you can too!
️ You may face or maybe facing some struggles now, but this journey we have can transform us to a stronger, more determined and confident individuals. A better self you never thought you could be.