
Sunday Currently | Volume 8

by - 1:02:00 AM

These months have been so busy for me. Balancing two jobs is no joke and to become a hands on momma is a different story. But no regrets, I love this kind of busy 😍🙌🏼

Last Sunday, we went to our usual Sunday happy place- Saint Pio Chapel in Eastwood. We're from Pasig but yeah, we attend mass there.

It was the first Advent Sunday of the year and we went there to hear the mass at night due to prior commitments in the morning. All I can say is the chapel is so LOVELY during nighttime too. ❤️

Here are some of my decent shots right before my little munchkin literally drag me because he's hungry already. You know the drill. Pig out after mass! 😆

Anyways, here are my currently..

Reading: Some random momma blogs

Writing: This Sunday currently entry

Listening: To the sound of the wind blowing

Thinking: About Christmas!! 🎄

Smelling: Nothing :(

Hoping: The bad news were finally over.

Wearing: Pajamas all day!

Loving: Spicy foods (right now)

Wanting: I want the Apple OTG so bad. Momma needs to save more.

Needing: Someone to talk to. I miss having friends I can always tell my rants and kwentos.

Feeling: SLEEPY

By the way, I am also participating to 12 days of blogmas. This is my first time so I hope I can make it. ✨

That would be all, my loves. May we all make this December to remember! 💗

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