
Sunday Currently | Volume 1

by - 12:14:00 AM

Hi! Welcome back to my blog. And welcome to a new segment I added to my blog-- The Sunday Currently. <3

This is a series where you share what you are doing and all other stuffs on your typical Sunday. I found this series through SIDDHA THORNTON's personal blog and thought I wanted to share mine too. This is so much helpful because you will be able to share bits of your personal life on your online space. Cool, right?

My Sunday is strictly Family day unless there is an important event/s that fall on that day.

Today is Easter Sunday! Let us rejoice! Here is my Volume 1.



Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me by Lily Colins. She is me dealing with life. It's just that she is so GORGEOUS. Admitting and accepting the flaws and turning insecurities to a positive outlook can be hard, right? I am not yet done reading, but I totally can relate!

on my bullet journal. I actually ditched the planner I bought because it is just so bulky and has limited features unlike when you do bullet journaling, if there's a term, you can fully customize it.


to NERVE Album on Spotify. I just looooove their soundtrack. Their movie was amazing too, it was unpredictable, which I like, plus Dave Franco and Emma Robert's chemistry. <3

about making a banana peanut butter smoothie tomorrow. Food is life, bes!

 my son's head while he sleeps. His head is so therapeutic, atleast for me. Am I the only one? 


for my priority prayer to be granted by Our Lord. Hayst! I always feel down whenever people start targeting my family, especially my parents. So ayun! 

a terno pink jammies. I love wearing pajamas, even when it's already daytime. Thank God for my wonderful clients that I get to work at home and just wear tons of my jammies.

13 Reasons Why- a series from Netflix. As a mother, one of my biggest fear is when my son will be bullied someday at school, or worse be the bully. But of course I won't let that happen. Keeping the communication is one of the key! 

to gain MORE weight. 

some beach outing or summer vacation with family. Speaking of.. I need to plan those now.

Sleepy. I slept around 5 in the morning yesterday then woke up at 8 in the morning. Was with my family the whole day and now I know that my body's telling me to catch some z's.

I am happy that I had a meaningful Holy Week this year. So much realizations and reflections. 

I hope we all have a splendid week ahead!
Plan those goals and let's smash the sh*t out of them!

Hope to see you on my next volume of SUNDAY CURRENTLY. 

Until then,

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