
IWhite Korea Facial Wash Whitening Vita review | Pinay Mommy Writes

Hi Loves! ♥ It's been a while since I posted a review about a certain product I am using or would want to try.  So I decided to share my thoughts on beauty products, make-ups and skin care that I use, first impressions and so on. BUT.. Just...

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​ Lazada Review: 5 in 1 Beauty Care Massager | Pinay Mommy Writes

​ Hi loves! It's raining hard these days so I hope you're all safe and dry. :) And since it is raining, my inner ...

Review: One Wash Wonder with Olay | Pinay Mommy Writes

Summer vacation is officially over. No more sleepless nights, endless partying, no beach time and enjoying laying out ...